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Whitsundays is open for business
Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) and Australia’s most iconic tourism brands are banding together in a three-month marketing push to boost the region post cyclone Debbie.
Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) and Australia’s most iconic tourism brands are banding togethe…
4th May 2017 -
QLD councils acknowledged through national awards
Gladstone, Brisbane and Logan councils and were amongst the winners for this year’s National Awards for Local Government, highlighting councils who have used innovative and resourceful solutions
Gladstone, Brisbane and Logan councils and were amongst the winners for this year’s National Award…
4th May 2017 -
Minister attends Policy Executive meeting
The Minister for Local Gov and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Mark Furner met with the LGAQ Policy Exec last week for the official handover of the 2017 LGAQ Advocacy Action plan
The Minister for Local Gov and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Mark Furner met wi…
27th April 2017 -
Regional councils investing most in tourism industry: ARTN Report
The Australian Regional Tourism Network (ARTN) has highlighted the massive role local governments play in supporting and developing the regional tourism industry.
The Australian Regional Tourism Network (ARTN) has highlighted the massive role local governments pl…
27th April 2017 -
Restoration of SGFA funding needed to help Indigenous communities thrive
As part of its recently launched 2017 Advocacy Action Plan, the LGAQ is seeking restoration of State Government Financial Aid (SGFA) funding to pre-2012 levels for Indigenous councils.
As part of its recently launched 2017 Advocacy Action Plan, the LGAQ is seeking restoration of State…
27th April 2017 -
Communities are the winners following planning fund launch
A better planning system for all Queenslander's will be supported by the $4.5 million Innovation and Improvement Fund.
A better planning system for all Queenslander's will be supported by the $4.5 million Innovation and…
27th April 2017 -
Minister advocates for local approach to AMPs
Minister for Local Government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Mark Furner says he supports a collaborative approach to alcohol management plans (AMPs).
Minister for Local Government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Mark Furner say…
27th April 2017 -
16 projects approved for coastal adaptation funding
Another five local governments have been approved for coastal adaptation projects funding as part of the $12 million QCoast2100 fund.
Another five local governments have been approved for coastal adaptation projects funding as part of…
27th April 2017 -
Productivity Commission investigates Australia's adaptability
The Productivity Commission has released an initial report on the adaptability of Australia’s urban and rural regions following the mining investment boom.
The Productivity Commission has released an initial report on the adaptability of Australia’s urba…
27th April 2017 -
Strong support for council owned smart street lighting
A proposal that would see councils own and upgrade the technology behind Queensland’s lighting network has attracted significant community support.
A proposal that would see councils own and upgrade the technology behind Queensland’s lighting net…
24th April 2017 -
An action plan identifying the key goals Queensland’s local councils are pursuing as they work to improve the lives of the communities they represent has been released by the LGAQ
An action plan identifying the key goals Queensland’s local councils are pursuing as they work to …
21st April 2017 -
Emergency Housing Meeting held in Cairns
Leaders from QLD's Indigenous councils gathered in Cairns yesterday to call on the Commonwealth Government to continue to fund housing in their remote communities
Leaders from QLD's Indigenous councils gathered in Cairns yesterday to call on the Commonwealth Gove…
20th April 2017 -
Ambitious trade and investment strategy proposes new agreement with Local Government
The LGAQ has welcomed the QLD government’s new trade and investment strategy and its inclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the QLD Government and the LGAQ
The LGAQ has welcomed the QLD government’s new trade and investment strategy and its inclusion of …
20th April 2017 -
Labor call to end the freeze on FA Grants
Leader of the opposition Bill Shorten and QLD MP Mark Furner urged the Turnbull government to end the freeze on Financial Assistance Grants (FA Grants) this week.
Leader of the opposition Bill Shorten and QLD MP Mark Furner urged the Turnbull government to end th…
13th April 2017 -
QLD State Government announces major review of disaster management
In the wake of Cyclone Debbie, the state government have announced they will undertake a major review into the effectiveness of the disaster management systems in Queensland.
In the wake of Cyclone Debbie, the state government have announced they will undertake a major revie…
13th April 2017