QLD State Government announces major review of disaster management

Published: 13th April 2017

In the wake of Cyclone Debbie, the State Government has announced it will undertake a major review into the effectiveness of the disaster management systems in Queensland.

The review, led by Inspector-General of Emergency Management Iain MacKenzie, will focus on three impact areas: direct cyclone impact, rapid on-set weather conditions after coastal crossing, and the slow on-set flooding experienced in Rockhampton

“The Queensland Government has a clear commitment and priority to provide the best possible response and integrated government services to encourage safer and inclusive communities,” Mr MacKenzie said.

“I am convinced the results of this review will provide another valuable avenue to assess and enhance disaster management arrangements in Queensland.”

LGAQ Principal Advisor of Disaster Management Michael Dickinson said the review would provide valuable data and lessons for local government.

“The LGAQ welcomes the review and looks forward to participating in the process and assisting the Inspector General of Emergency Services,” he said.

“Local government is the closest and best level of government to deliver disaster management services. It is imperative that local councils continue to receive vital state government support to enable them to be the key drivers in the continual effort to improve disaster management systems and responses.”  

Following devastating flooding in Queensland and Victoria in 2011 and 2013, four reviews took place including the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry, Brisbane City Council’s Flood Response Review, the Victorian Parliament’s Inquiry into Flood Mitigation Infrastructure in Victoria and the Victorian Floods Review.