Minister attends Policy Executive meeting

Published: 27th April 2017

The Minister for Local Government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Mark Furner met with the LGAQ Policy Executive last week for the official handover of the 2017 LGAQ Advocacy Action Plan

Policy Executive members canvassed a range of issues with the Minister in the meeting and subsequent lunch including the upcoming state budget. The Minister invited the LGAQ to make a submission to the budget and advised this year's budget will take a considerable hit from Cyclone Debbie, a caution aforestated by the State Treasure Curtis Pitt early last week.

The Minister also took the opportunity to compliment the work of councils in their response to Cyclone Debbie and celebrate the recent reinstatement of plant and equipment reimbursements under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA).

LGAQ CEO Greg Hallam said the meeting was both appreciated and valuable,

“The meeting with Mr Furner was a welcomed opportunity for the Policy Executive and the Minister to meet and exchange on a range of issues. We have had notable policy successes working together with the current government including the Works for Queensland Program and the recent NDRRA win following Cyclone Debbie. We look forward to continuing to work with Mr Furner for the best outcomes for our member councils” He said.

The LGAQ presented the LGAQ 2017 Advocacy Action Plan to the Queensland Shadow LNP Minister for Local Government Andrew Powell yesterday and plan to present the plan to Federal Senator and Minister for Regional Development and Local Government Fiona Nash and Federal Shadow Minister for Local Government Stephen Jones in the coming weeks.