Councils prepare for climate change with QCoast2100

Published: 17th February 2017

The QCoast2100 Program has awarded grant funding to 11 councils to assist coastal communities prepare for the impacts of climate change related coastal hazard risks.

The program, a Queensland Government commitment, supports councils to develop their coastal hazard adaptation strategies (CHAS).

The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) is administering the QCoast2100 Program by providing councils with the tools and information required to develop funding applications.

The current prediction for Queensland’s coastline by 2100 includes a projected sea rise level of 0.8 metre, a southward shift in tropical cyclone activity and an increase in cyclone and coastal low intensity of up to 10%. Potential effects of these changes may include coastal erosion, permanent inundation of low lying areas and an increase in areas impacted by storm surges and king tides.

Mackay Regional Council was one of the successful ;applicants to the program and will be using the funding to further develop specific elements of their Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (CHAS).

'The focus of the project will be storm tide inundation risk to the community and this will be integrated with an assessment of inland flooding risk', said Member for Mackay Julieanne Gilbert.

LGAQ President Mark Jamieson said the QCoast2100 Program is designed to be accessible to coastal local governments irrespective of their current level of planning, capability and resourcing.

'More than half of Queensland’s 77 councils will be exposed to coastal hazards in the future', LGAQ President Mayor Mark Jamieson said.

In order to be eligible for the program, applicants must demonstrate that their funding applications satisfy the requirements of the Minimum Standards and Guideline (MS&G). The MS&G sets minimum requirements for each phase of a CHAS and provides leading practice references to guide coastal councils.

Councils awarded QCoast2100 funding to date include: Torres Shire; Cassowary Coast; Mackay; Cairns; Redland City; Whitsunday; Moreton Bay; Noosa Shire; Townsville; Douglas Shire and Livingstone Shire.

For more information on the program go here.