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  • LGAQ response to State Government housing plan

    LGAQ responds to the State Government housing plan announced on 3 February 2024.

    LGAQ responds to the State Government housing plan announced on 3 February 2024.

  • Audit report highlights cost shift impact

    The audit office report is not surprising when councils are having to step in because the State and Federal government, and private sector, have pulled the pin on services.

    The audit office report is not surprising when councils are having to step in because the State and …

  • Community liveability falling through council funding gap

    Research for the LGAQ has revealed councils are picking up a massive $360 million tab each year to deliver services that are the responsibility of other levels of government and the private sector.

    Research for the LGAQ has revealed councils are picking up a massive $360 million tab each year to d…

  • Dotti the dog's extraordinary helicopter rescue

    As cyclone weary residents across the Douglas Shire brace themselves for more wild weather, community spirit has shone through to save one very lucky and much-loved pooch.

    As cyclone weary residents across the Douglas Shire brace themselves for more wild weather, communit…

  • Media Release: The peak body for Queensland local councils congratulates Minister Meaghan Scanlon on new portfolio

    LGAQ has congratulated Minister Meaghan Scanlon on her new portfolio of Housing, Public Works, Local Government and Planning.

    LGAQ has congratulated Minister Meaghan Scanlon on her new portfolio of Housing, Public Works, Local…

  • The Universal Service Obligation: History and future

    Before we can get to where we are heading – it’s important to remember how we got here

    Before we can get to where we are heading – it’s important to remember how we got here

  • SEQ waterways' health and resilience receive major boost

    The future health and resilience of South East Queensland catchments has received a major boost with the Queensland Government and Council of Mayors (SEQ) releasing the Resilient Rivers Initiative.

    The future health and resilience of South East Queensland catchments has received a major boost with…

  • Councils’ burden is not fair

    It only makes sense that if Canberra is getting the bulk of the tax cash it should also start paying more to the level of government – councils – that are providing the on-the-ground services.

    It only makes sense that if Canberra is getting the bulk of the tax cash it should also start paying…

  • Reforms to let councils get on with the job

    The peak body for Queensland councils has welcomed the critical overhaul of the councillor complaint system passed by Parliament on Wednesday.

    The peak body for Queensland councils has welcomed the critical overhaul of the councillor complaint…

  • Roads report tallies cost to communities and councils

    The Grattan Institute’s Potholes and Pitfalls: How to fix local roads report found councils were being grossly underfunded.

    The Grattan Institute’s Potholes and Pitfalls: How to fix local roads report found councils were b…