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LGAQ federal election report cards
LGAQ’s final report card for the 2019 federal election campaign.
LGAQ’s final report card for the 2019 federal election campaign.
11th March 2020 -
Advocacy 2019: a state of change
A matter of days out from the federal election it is pleasing to see issues that really matter to local communities, safer roads, better housing, smarter solutions to waste management, are finding the
A matter of days out from the federal election it is pleasing to see issues that really matter to lo…
10th May 2019 -
Finally, a win on indigenous housing
There are scores of policy announcements that might not get the big headlines but point to a genuine commitment to improve the lot of Australians.
There are scores of policy announcements that might not get the big headlines but point to a genuin…
An unprecedented move
The Palaszczuk Government’s dismissal of the Logan City Council has pitched the sector into uncharted waters.
The Palaszczuk Government’s dismissal of the Logan City Council has pitched the sector into unchar…
3rd May 2019 -
Preference deals must be kept out of council elections
The cynical deal making and distraction that is a feature of the system of compulsory preferential voting is writ large in the current federal election campaign.
The cynical deal making and distraction that is a feature of the system of compulsory preferential…11th March 2020 -
Federal election blog: Rebuilding smarter after disasters
The LGAQ is pushing for a proper commitment to disaster mitigation from all parties contesting this election.
The LGAQ is pushing for a proper commitment to disaster mitigation from all parties contesting this …
19th April 2019 -
Time to reflect
Irrespective of one’s religious views or credo, each faith has its seasons. Easter is one of those signposts for reflection.
Irrespective of one’s religious views or credo, each faith has its seasons. Easter is one of those…
18th April 2019 -
Federal Election Blog: Road safety: what needs to happen at this election
Across the country, local roads suffer a significant under-investment which is having an increasing impact on both the efficiency of freight movements and the quality of road safety.
Across the country, local roads suffer a significant under-investment which is having an increasing …
11th March 2020 -
Federal election blog: the sleeper issue of the campaign
The Great Barrier Reef is a sleeper issue in this Federal election campaign.
The Great Barrier Reef is a sleeper issue in this Federal election campaign.
15th April 2019 -
Federal election blog: Electric vehicle boogaloo on fuel excise
The two major parties are going at each other hammer and tongs about the virtues or pitfalls of encouraging such a big increase in electric vehicles.
The two major parties are going at each other hammer and tongs about the virtues or pitfalls of enco…
11th April 2019 -
Federal election blog: Indigenous housing deserves debate
There will be a lot of words spoken and a myriad of issues debated during this election campaign but one policy challenge that may struggle to gain attention is indigenous housing.
There will be a lot of words spoken and a myriad of issues debated during this election campaign but…
8th April 2019 -
Planning changes suit councils
In a win for Queensland councils, the LGAQ has been successful in its advocacy on the Economic Development and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 (the Bill).
In a win for Queensland councils, the LGAQ has been successful in its advocacy on the Economic Devel…
5th April 2019 -
Witchdoctors, Data Analytics and Trust
The world is converging rapidly into a data-driven, analytics led, hyper knowledge existence.
The world is converging rapidly into a data-driven, analytics led, hyper knowledge existence.
16th March 2020 -
No to forcing voting changes in local council elections
Mayors and councillors from across Queensland today overwhelmingly rejected the Palaszczuk Government’s plans to force changes to the way people elect their local councils.
Mayors and councillors from across Queensland today overwhelmingly rejected the Palaszczuk Governmen…
2nd April 2019 -
Special meeting rejects electoral changes
Mayors and councillors from across Queensland gathered in Brisbane this week for a special meeting of the membership of the LGAQ.
Mayors and councillors from across Queensland gathered in Brisbane this week for a special meeting o…
2nd April 2019