Have your say - draft waste strategy

Published: 20th February 2019

Draft Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy released for comment

On 13th February 2019 the Queensland Government announced it was developing a comprehensive new waste management and resource recovery strategy, underpinned by a waste disposal levy, to attract investment, develop new jobs and industries and reduce waste.

The Draft Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy (PDF) aims to deliver the long-term, sustained growth of the recycling and resource recovery sector while reducing the amount of waste produced by promoting more sustainable waste management practices for business, industry and households.

The strategy focuses on three priority areas:

  1. Reducing the impact of waste on the environment
  2. Transitioning to a circular economy for waste
  3. Building economic opportunity

Why it matters

The draft strategy outlines targets for 2050, including having a rate of recycling of 75% for all waste types, with only 10% of waste going to landfill, and a 25% reduction in household waste.

Local government is a key stakeholder for Queensland to become a zero-waste society and achieve these waste avoidance targets incorporating greater recycling and reuse outcomes.

Have your say

The LGAQ will be making a submission and is seeking your input on this matter. If you wish your comments to be considered please advise the LGAQ contact, Robert Ferguson, Lead - Public Health and Waste via email by Wednesday, 27th March 2019.

Further information on the draft strategy is available on the Department’s website. If you wish to discuss this matter you can contact Robert Ferguson on 1300 542 700

Alternatively, you may wish to provide your own feedback to the Department by Friday 5th April 2019. If you choose to respond directly to the Department, please use the contact details provided below:

Submissions are due by 5pm, Friday 5 April 2019

Email: wastepolicy@des.qld.gov.au
Mail: Office of Resource Recovery
Department of Environment and Science
GPO Box 2454
Brisbane Qld 4001