The LGAQ's Annual Elected Member Update (EMU) program is one of the really special things the LGAQ does for elected members.
We kick off next week, with teams heading out across Queensland to talk to elected members and CEOs on trends and trials for councils, including the importance of corporate culture and the ongoing challenge of financial sustainability.
It's a massive outreach project - eight teams of 16 experienced staff hit the roads over a two-month period, delivering the course in 30-plus centres across the state.
It's a two-way street. Just as important as us updating you on what we see on the horizon, is you giving us the invaluable feedback on the issues and developments which are looming in your own rearview mirror.
Better yet - it works. We know because you turn up in droves every year. This is a program where we don't get in a flap - or stick our head in the sand.
Months of work go into preparing the sessions.
The information is current to the day, and presented by staff who are the experts in their fields. Apart from what we impart on the day, we leave behind a treasure trove of information to be used throughout the year.
We look forward to seeing you at one of the EMU sessions and meeting on your turf.
Speaking of meetings on your turf, this week President Mayor Mark Jamieson and I travelled to Isaac, Central Highlands, Woorabinda, Banana, North Burnett and Bundaberg. Three days' travel and 1200k's of road.
As always, our thanks to these councils for their hospitality and time.
Part 2 #LGAQ visit with CEO Greg Hallam to #BananaShire, #Biloela, #NorthBurnettShire #Gayndah and #Bundaberg. Tremendous to catch up with regional councillors and better understand challenges and opportunities
#LGAQ world wind trip across #CQ #WideBay #Burnett visiting Councillors at #Moranbah #Emerald #Wooribinda updating on key issues around #Integrity and #Sustainability. See part 2