RAPAD paves for the way for digital communications

Published: 14th July 2017

The Remote Area Planning and Development Board continues to show the way in engaging its community in the importance of digital communications to qualities such as community liveability and attracting and retaining residents.

RAPAD - based in Longreach and representing several rural and remote councils in the State’s central west - this week produced what it called a “digitally enabled” community strategic plan.

The Smart Central West Digital Strategy contains more than 40 recommendations to achieve a more digitally enabled community to take advantage of opportunities to grow the regional economy.

Chair of RAPAD’s digital reference committee Barcoo Mayor Bruce Scott, said that while the group had focussed on improving the digital environment, it has been an area RAPAD has focused on for many years.

He said the new strategy “raises the bar” in facilitating and supporting economic growth in the region.

“The Smart Central West Digital Strategy articulates a comprehensive but pragmatic plan to seize the region’s opportunities, mitigate the weaknesses, emphasise the strengths and avoid the threats,’’ he said.

“This is a far reaching, and in parts, challenging strategy and we need to harness the efforts of the entire region to ensure we move forward into the digital age."