Councils in the Murray Darling catchment have expressed a unanimous view that there should be no further water buybacks as part of the system’s management.
Balonne Shire Mayor and Murray Darling Association Region 12 Chairman Richard Marsh said councils supported the Northern Basin Review and the proposed sustainable diversion limit of 320GL for the Northern Basin.
“I was pleased with the outcomes of this meeting and the focus on ensuring Queensland is dealt with fairly under the (Murray Darling Basin Authority) Plan,” Cr Marsh said.
“It is important that irrigators conduct their business in accordance with the Plan.”
The Mayor went on to express concern about recent media comments, but emphasised that these should not detract from the continued implementation of the Plan.
“It is important that implementation of the Plan proceeds to ensure our communities have certainty about the future and can pursue their business and personal lives with confidence,” he said.
“To support this, it is equally important that appropriate monitoring programs be devised, implemented and adhered to.
“Our community has been through a lot in ensuring delivery of the Plan and we are working closely with the Murray Darling Basin Authority to ensure implementation of that Plan does not inflict any further unnecessary pain or hardship on our communities.”