Premier touts triumphs

Published: 22nd September 2017

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk laid out her Government’s achievements this week in Brisbane at the annual CEDA State of the State address.

Top of her list was Queensland’s economic performance, claiming a 6% unemployment rate and 3.9% growth, attributing some of the success to the humble chickpea.

“It is worth thinking for a moment about the potential of chickpeas.” She said.

“As India’s middle class continues to grow, the world’s largest vegetarian population will have an ever-increasing appetite for high quality protein – an appetite Queensland chickpeas can satisfy.”

Ms Palaszczuk said a growing Asia would be key to Queensland’s future.

“Right now, Queensland is well positioned to seize the opportunities that are flowing from the Asia-Pacific.”

The Premier also referred to the growing renewable energy industry and battery technology, highlighting a new development in Cairns.

“…we are in talks with proponents and local councils in an effort to attract battery production factories here to Queensland.” She said.

“Today, Cairns Port will be abuzz with the arrival of the towers for the 180-megawatt Mount Emerald Wind Farm to be built near Mareeba.”

The Premier also praised mayors and Queensland councils for their collaboration in preparing for and responding to Cyclone Debbie.

“I really believe that when you have the mayors involved, you have all the government agencies working together - it really inspires you as a leader.” She said.

Speculation continues that an election could be called within weeks, but it could be held as late as May 5.