$120 million for water projects in Queensland Indigenous Communities

Published: 8th March 2018

Nine indigenous communities will benefit from $120 million of state government funding made available to improve water, wastewater and solid waste facilities.

Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said almost $20 million from the Indigenous Councils Critical Infrastructure Program has been approved to kick-start the first projects.

“This program is ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in discrete communities have infrastructure to suit their specific needs and the training to support the infrastructure over the long-term,” Mr Hinchliffe said.

“The end result is safer, healthier drinking water and environment with every community receiving vital infrastructure to provide for a sustainable future.”

The project includes:

  • $3.75 million upgrade of a wastewater treatment plant on Saibai Island
  • $2 million upgrade of the wastewater treatment plant on Mer Island for the Torres Strait Island Regional Council
  • Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council will receive a $2.76 million upgrade to its water treatment plant, wastewater and solid waste facilities
  • Aurukun Shire Council will receive a $1.8 million upgrade to its solid waste facility

Aurukun Shire Council Mayor Dereck Walpo said the project is tailored to meet the needs of the community.

“Our solid waste facility is in need of refurbishment and this funding program will make a real difference to the community's health and wellbeing,” Cr Walpo said.

Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council Mayor Arnold Murray said the upgraded infrastructure will keep up with the community's demand for water.

“These projects will directly benefit the community's health and wellbeing. They will build on other projects in Cherbourg to improve the surrounding environment and help make the town a better place to live,” Cr Murray said.

You can find out more here.