A free benchmarking tool enabling councils to analyse and benchmark their performance has been updated to contain information covering the 2016-17 fiscal year.
The ‘Ready.Set’Go’ platform allows users to track council performance trends over time and perform comparative analysis with other councils.
New features
- Financial performance data covering the 2016-2017 reporting period
- New insights - and a more complete and informed view of your council's current position
- Produce personalised reporting with your own commentary and custom charting
About benchmarking
LGAQ Business Analyst Wilson Crawley said that the latest round of data provides greater insight in council performance.
“The aim is to look at your own data to analyse performance – and then use the benchmarking feature to understand that performance as it relates to similar councils” he said.
“There are no set standards of performance when benchmarking Queensland Local Governments but an insight into your neighbour’s performance might prompt some questions.”
Mr Crawley also said that any benchmarking within local government, particularly Queensland local government, required a nuanced approach.
“No one performance indicator in isolation tells a story. Users should consider comparing several metrics together to paint a more complete picture when looking at their own data.
“Often the best way to understand your performance in the context of a similar council is to simply pick up the phone and reach out to that council. We hope that the benchmarking tool will be the catalyst for those conversations.”
How can my council access the platform?
Local governments can login via LG Online, the LGAQ’s member only website. For more details, email the LGAQ’s Member Services Team via ask@lgaq.asn.au.