Local governments in Queensland look to the Australian Government to provide leadership on key environmental issues such as biodiversity conservation. In response to the Australian Government’s draft Strategy for Nature, the LGAQ has emphasised that the role of the Australian Government is to provide leadership by establishing the broad strategic vision and objectives and to develop robust regulatory frameworks for biodiversity conservation in Australia. The LGAQ does not support the draft strategy in its current form and proposes that it be revised.
“The draft strategy attempts to correct the shortfalls of the previous strategy’s targets by removing targets and measurable outcomes completely. The removal of targets not only results in inadequate guidance being provided to decision makers to determine how to best direct investment in biodiversity conservation in Australia…but also no clear understanding if gains in biodiversity conservation have been made over time. There is a need for comprehensive baseline data to determine the effectiveness of current biodiversity conservation activities and to plan for future activity and investment” The submission said.
The LGAQ also believe that the term ‘biodiversity’ should be reinstated,
“…it makes sense to retain a definition that has international connotations through the United Nations Convention of Biological Diversity. The use of the term ‘nature’ within the draft Strategy in lieu of ‘biodiversity’ diminishes the strength of the document.”
The strategy, which sets a framework for government, non-government and community to manage nature in both urban and non-urban settings, is open for public consultation until March 16.