The LGAQ this week nominated Cr Anne Maddern from Fraser Coast Regional Council to represent local government on a technical advisory panel for the Department of Environment and Science.
The panel has been brought together to develop a code of practice for waste, beginning with biosolids from sewage.
Unlike regulatory requirements, implementing the code is voluntary, but if organisations do so they are protected from any penalties.
Under the Environmental Protection Act, there is a provision that allows the State to develop codes of practice, often led by industry to define best practice for an activity that could potentially harm the environment.
LGAQ principal advisor for water and sewerage infrastructure Arron Hieatt said the approach was good news for Queensland councils.
“This is notable because codes are far less of a burden than regulatory requirements. They represent a partnership approach, and a fit-for-purpose regulatory style that is better suited for councils,” Mr Hieatt said.
“Having a councillor involved is great because of the perspective Cr Maddern can bring to the discussion.
“Too often policy is dominated by technical operators, so the connection to broad council matters and the community is a valuable way to ensure the codes have considered all the important issues.”
The LGAQ has helped developed codes of practice previously, including the concrete batching and motor vehicle workshop.