LGAQ’s Water and Sewerage Advisory Group last week hosted the Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Anthony Lynham at LG House to discuss the future of water in Queensland.
Positive debate and discussion was held on future responses to water security, Murray Darling Basin buybacks and funding support for the Queensland Water Regional Alliance Program (QWRAP).
LGAQ's principal advisor for water and sewerage infrastructure Arron Hieatt said the meeting demonstrated the strength of local governments' relationship with the State.
"It’s vital we have this relationship between local and state governments and the Minister’s presence underscores the regard in which the State holds local governments," Mr Hieatt said.
"Importantly, the Minister indicated he understood the need to address the critical infrastructure backlog confronting councils and the potential of a new funding framework to help councils respond to such challenges.
"We thank the Minister for his time and attendance at the advisory group meeting."