LGAQ President Mayor Mark Jamieson has welcomed over 800 local government delegates and observers to this year's Annual Conference this morning with a positive and motivating speech tackling the top issues on the table for councils, with a strong focus on the importance of maintaining community trust...
In fact, it is more than an opportunity that presents itself.
It is our responsibility.
I say this because your community places more trust in the job that you do than it does in the work of state or federal governments.
And I put it to you that this should come as no surprise, when we witness what happens at other levels of government on a far too frequent basis.
The Global Corruption Barometer produced by Transparency International and Griffith University this year actually recorded a better result for local government compared with two years ago.
It also found that, of the three levels of government in Australia, it was local government that was considered the most trustworthy...