CCC Chair should stand down following damning parliamentary report

Published: 2nd December 2021

A public apology and compensation must be issued immediately to the former Logan councillors wrongly charged by Queensland’s Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) following today’s damning report into the CCC’s handling of the matter. 

CCC Chair Alan MacSporran should also accept responsibility and stand down as chair following the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee’s (PCCC) finding that, in a “serious failure” of his duties, he did not ensure that the CCC acted at all times independently and impartially in the handling of the Logan matter. 

Swift action must also be taken by the State Government to overhaul the structure and senior ranks of the corruption watchdog to restore its reputation and ensure this never happens again.

Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) President Mayor Mark Jamieson said the only way the CCC could move forward and win back public confidence would be for Mr MacSporran to stand down and for the Government to ensure any structural changes occur as quickly as possible. 

“The findings of the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee’s report into the charging of the former Logan councillors is sobering reading for all Queenslanders,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“The Crime and Corruption Commission heralds great power in this state. Queenslanders need its actions to always be objective, independent and beyond reproach.

“But today the PCCC has proven what the LGAQ and the former councillors wrongly charged have known all along, the CCC and its officers did not act in an unbiased manner in bringing the case against these former elected members.  

“The CCC acted outside the laws that govern it. The CCC charged elected officials without taking all evidence into account. It charged elected officials out of a desire to assist a third party. This is unacceptable. It is a serious blight on the integrity agency and change must start now and at the top.

“The public must have confidence in institutions like the CCC in order for it to properly fulfill its role.

“We therefore call on the CCC Chair to act in the interests of the future of this important institution and stand down from the role.”

Mayor Jamieson said the adversely impacted councillors deserved adequate recompense.

“As a result of the CCC’s actions, seven people who had dedicated their lives to public service had their careers cut short in an instant. Their reputations were irreparably damaged and their lives were turned upside down. A duly elected council was also dismissed.

“The voters of Logan have been able to move on, having elected a new council at last year’s local government elections.

“The former councillors impacted also deserve justice. Today I renew the LGAQ’s call for a public apology to be issued and for them to be compensated for the losses they have suffered as a result of the CCC’s wrongful actions.”

Mayor Jamieson will be available for a press conference today at 3pm on the Sunshine Coast. Contact External Relations Director Sarah Vogler for more details.

For more information, please contact:
Sarah Vogler, External Relations Director
Local Government Association of Queensland