LGAQ welcomes Fed Gov commitment to expand telecommunications coverage

Published on 26 February 2025


The peak body for Queensland councils has welcomed the Federal Government’s commitment to expand mobile phone coverage and emergency triple-0 calls and has called on the Federal Opposition to do the same.

The Albanese Labor Government has announced its Universal Outdoor Mobile Obligation (UOMO) will require mobile carriers to provide access to mobile voice and SMS almost everywhere across Australia.  

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland said the UOMO will ensure up to 5 million square kilometres of new competitive outdoor mobile coverage across Australia, including over 37,000 kilometres on regional roads. 

The Federal Government said it would also improve blackspot and triple-0 coverage using low earth orbit satellites with new technology allowing them to connect direct to mobile phones. 

Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) President Matt Burnett said councils would welcome the improved access to mobile coverage and called on all candidates at the looming Federal Election to commit to deleting the digital divide in regional Queensland where just half of residents believe digital connectivity is up to scratch. 

“As we’ve said in our Federal Election campaign, funding models have left communities and councils back in the ‘70s and the same can be said for too many parts of what is Australia’s most decentralised state,” Mayor Burnett said. 

“Telecommunications infrastructure and digital connectivity play a fundamental role as an enabler of economic development and in the provision of health, education and emergency services across Queensland so councils and communities will welcome these commitments from the Federal Government and look forward to them being matched by the Federal Opposition.” 

Queensland councils are asking that in the next term the Federal Government supports a range of critical measures including: 

  • Prioritising investment into regional, rural and remote areas that are currently underserved by telecommunications providers;  
  • Increasing funding into programs that will improve the resilience of telecommunications infrastructure during disasters; 
  • Requiring increased involvement from telecommunications providers in the planning and recovery phases of disaster management;
  • Improving the current delivery of digital connectivity education and consumer protection awareness;
  • Increasing minimum standards under  the Universal Service Arrangements, and provide greater accountability and transparency from the Federal Government  in delivering on its commitments through  the three-yearly review process. 

LGAQ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alison Smith said rural, regional, remote and First Nations communities have been left behind for too long when it came to reliable connectivity. 

“We welcome the Federal Government’s alignment with what councils have been calling for to improve connectivity and liveability in so many of Queensland’s communities,” Ms Smith said. 

“We live in Australia’s most decentralised mainland state, where they tyranny of distance and insufficient funding towards technology have created significant inequities in mobile phone coverage and reliability of services, particularly in regional, rural and remote, and discrete First Nations communities. 

“Reliable connectivity is critical to community liveability, so we welcome this commitment and now seek the other federal parties to match this pledge to ensure that no Queensland community is left behind.”

For more information, please contact:

Dan Knowles, Media Advisor
Phone: 0432 681 664