Member Resources
LGAQ membership is utilised by all 77 councils in Queensland. Members access a range of services and benefits designed to support councils in connecting, innovating and achieving for their local communities.
Our policy priorities are driven by our members. A yearly Annual Conference determines the key advocacy priorities for the sector – every council vote counts. The LGAQ Policy Executive make high-level strategic decisions during the year, and our staff meet frequently with ministers, directors-general and senior bureaucrats at state and federal levels to lobby for Queensland councils.
The LGAQ maintains an evolving local government specific resource library exclusively available to members. Members can access training, support and guidance and attend local government focused events. Unique platforms like our Legislative Compliance Service capitalise on the benefit of a networked approach to shared challenges faced in local government.
Members can access personal and confidential support from local government experts as a component of their membership. LGAQ's dedicated Member Services Centre is available during business hours to assist members access timely and trusted advice, guidance and information.
Sector news
Members receive breaking local government specific news and updates, however they choose to receive them including SMS alerts, weekly news round-ups, social media updates, good news stories and case studies from across the local government network.
Learn more about specific services and support by contacting our Member Services Team on 1300 542 700 or emailing
Alternatively, you can log-on to LG Online, our dedicated members portal containing a library of resources for local government staff - from policy and news updates through to comprehensive legislation and compliance tools. You can log-in now or create your account today with your council email address.
Members only web portal