Fixing Queensland's trunk infrastructure funding framework

Ratepayers unfairly footing the bill

New research shows Queensland councils and their local communities face shouldering a $2.2 billion infrastructure funding black hole over the next four years.

Family in playground

Campaign Facts

About the research

SEQ forecast

In South East Queensland, local governments are forecasting a trunk infrastructure funding gap of more than $1.54 billion over the next four years. If councils were forced to pass that on, it could add an extra $269 each year to a residential rates bill.

Regional forecast

In regional Queensland, the forecast gap is more than $650 million over the next four years, which could add an additional $437 per annum to rates for regional residential properties.

Options for fairer funding

The research sought to quantify the trunk infrastructure funding gap and identify options for a fairer trunk infrastructure funding and charging framework that does not further cost shift costs onto councils and the community.


Campaign Details

Queensland councils are calling for a more equitable trunk infrastructure funding and charging framework. They are proposing 5 solutions, and are calling for ongoing work, in collaboration with councils, to fix Queensland's trunk infrastructure funding framework. If the State Government fails to modernise Queensland's trunk infrastructure funding and charging framework, communities and households could be hit with unfair rates hikes that could have been avoided.

Read the report

A fairer funding deal for Queensland communities

Queensland councils and their local communities face shouldering a $2.2 billion infrastructure funding black hole over the next four years if action is not taken to stop the cost shift.

Trunk infrastructure funding framework report