Cost creep onto councils Research for the LGAQ has revealed councils are picking up a massive $360 million tab each year to deliver services that are the responsibility of other levels of government and the private sector.
Least funded level of government Councils receive just three cents in every dollar of tax raised in Australia.
Survey lifts the lid Councils are providing everything from health and morgue services to paying for CCTV, rebroadcasting free-to-air television, operating childcare, running bakeries, supermarkets and post offices.
No level of government provides so many immediate, critical services No level of government provides so many immediate, critical services as your local council.
From the footpath you stand on to the road that runs From the footpath you stand on to the road that runs past it carrying the rubbish truck that empties your bins to the pipes and taps that deliver clean water for you to drink - it is councils – and locals like you - that are providing those services.
But councils do so much more than roads, rates and rubbish But today’s councils do so much more than roads, rates and rubbish. They are stepping in to provide extra services to ensure our communities remain liveable.
Some provide internet services and television rebroadcasting Some provide internet services and television rebroadcasting. Others keep schools open, operate kindy’s and childcare and maintain airports.
State or federal governments are no longer providing services This is often because state or federal governments are no longer providing all of the important services needed, or private operators have left.
They do this as the level of government least able to afford it. They do this as the level of government least able to afford it.